Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1767.07.03

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Index Entry Far in the West there liv'd of old [fl] 
Location Bristol 
3 Jul 1767:41 (561)
A Tale.
  Far in the West there liv'd of old,
  An honest yoeman, rich and bold,
  Merry his heart as heart could be,
  His soul quite open, gen'rous, free,
  Hearty he was in all he spoke,
  and no man better lov'd a joke,
  It happen'd at a certain time,
  'Twas of the year the very Prince,
  His blooming niece thought fit to wed,
  And Love and Hymen crown'd the bed;
  To grace their nuptials he prepar'd
  A feast,--and all his friends appear'd;
. . . [64 more lines, signed]  S.
Bristol., Feb. 19, 1767.

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1767.07.03 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel & Robert 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0023803
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